The long-term user experience of an m-Health application




Saúde digital, Autocuidado, Experiência do usuário, m-Health, Engajamento


Low user engagement in m-Health applications has been driving the use of retention techniques that aim to ensure a satisfactory long-term user experience. The aim was to understand the experience of hypertensive patients interacting with a mobile health application for 12 months. A qualitative/exploratory study was conducted after 12 months, with the same experimental group of participants as the non-randomized controlled clinical trial conducted in 2019. The mean age of the 16 participants was 57 years (SD=8), of which11 were female. All had low socioeconomic and educational levels. Content analysis showed no engagement with the m-health app over time. The main factors contributing to the lack of engagement were; inability of the user to use the app, lack of support and technical problems. When designing m-Health interventions, it is important to understand users' behavioral characteristics, motivations for treatment, level of involvement in health care, and ability to use technology.

Biografia do Autor

Jakeline Karla Locatelli, The University of Passo Fundo, Health Institute. Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil.

Master of Human Ageing from the University of Passo Fundo.

Silvana Alba Scortegagna, The University of Passo Fundo, Health Institute. Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil.

Doctoral degree in Psychology from the University of São Francisco.

Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi, The University of Passo Fundo, Health Institute. Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil.

Doctoral degree in Informatics in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.


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Como Citar

Locatelli, J. K., Scortegagna, S. A., & Marchi, A. C. B. D. (2023). The long-term user experience of an m-Health application. Revista Eletrônica De Comunicação, Informação & Inovação Em Saúde, 17(4), 850–866.